Friday, January 28, 2005

airing dirty laundry in public...

so after what i said about teachers last night, we had one today, on a morning far, far too cold, who didn't ignore the importance of fight call, but who was overly chatty, and seemed to delight in showing off her students to us. i think she thought we were there for her as much as for them.
anyway, shakespeare aside, what really prompted this post was an email from alyincali that reminded me of something that always bothered me in college and apartments i lived in between my parents' house and this one: what is it about dirty laundry that makes some people desperate enough to handle a complete stranger's underwear? i've never pulled another person's clothing out of a washer or dryer so i could get mine in faster, because i'm not touching other people's laundry. and quite frankly, when somebody else had done that with mine, i was tempted to re-wash the whole load- i don't trust that any stranger's hands are clean enough to meet my standards, or that their laundry is either, so i consider any underwear, unless it's mine and i washed it myself, dirty. there should be no question. and once somebody i don't know touches my panties, they're officially dirty again. call me paranoid, but my vagina's important to me. i try to take good care of her and keep her clean...
alright. now i've said the word vagina. i think i should go.
walk good. keep your hair curly and your panties clean, man.


Blogger Jake said...

I confess to unloading the laundry of others, but only when I ABSOLUTELY can't wait for one minute longer for them to get their dumb ass down to the laundry room and get it themselves.

I HATE doing it though, because I'm always worried they're going to walk in and it will lead to the most awkward situation ever.

Once, I was pulling out some slowpoke's laundry, and sure enough, it was loaded with thongs and other lacy things. The lady in question walks in just as I'm pulling out some scandalous piece of something...I started and dropped it on the was mortifying, as they say in those teen girly magazines. I'm sure she thought I was a total pervert, but to be fair she was very nice to me and apologetic about leaving her stuff in the drier.

5:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that my underwear could spark some good conversation. I can understand Jake's situation with people who start their laundry and then go catch a movie or something. There probably should be some kind of 5 minute rule. I guess I should stand by the machine and wait for it to finish, but on laundry day my wardrobe is obviously limited, so I feel silly standing around in purple sweat pants and my "Bambi Meets Godzilla" shirt. The last time someone switched my wash for me I didn't see who did it, but I did see some pre-teen boys hanging around. All I could think about all day was these kids showing their friends my underwear like in 16 Candles. They wouldn't be as lucky as Jake was with the lacy thongs, but I think my cotton polka dots would be enough to excite the Middle School set.


7:43 pm  

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