sooo very extremely late, but still, always, better than never, my flash fiction friday #71, in honour of the ongoing bocas litfest; [inclusions] trigger: mouth, heart, illuminate, transport, transform.
who in the known universe saying no to something like that, right?! so nex’ thing i know meh mouth suddenly being ever-so-gently exhorted by a tingly, tickly, not-quite-fingery feeling…
being engaged by the proboscis as creepy as you expect, just thankfully offset (kinda) by lightness of touch, not nearly invasive as greeting one of them from gallifrey9 or from baitellejoos0 or anything so…but then come the foot-thing. nobody had tell me ‘bout that part before, and i wasn’ ready, oui. was. not. ready.
i know i had was to go in barefoot and that, in+of itself, was a scene with me, but i wasn’ trying to turn down this rare frigging moment so i tell meself, foot could wash after: jump in…
saying to meself, them needing me barefoot come like how some humans shake hands and where that originate from, ent? saying to meself, everybody have they ways, not so? saying to meself, them probably find slamming fists together a bizarre frigging way to show solidarity, too…and with all them thing i tell meself, still, just…was. not. ready.
meh heart reach in meh mouth right behind the pullback of the proboscis when this 9foot shadow of dark matter and plasma collapse from in front meh face into freeflow form and jus’ so, jus’ so, winding all around+between meh foot! all under meh arch and between meh toes and wrapping meh ankles, this cold-but-not, slippery-but-not, slithery-but-not…cyah even explain how this could possibly be stranger, more intrusive than the proboscis, but trust, was definitely the weirdest thing i ever feel in any of meh lives so far. almost make me leave outta there one time, but i couldn’ bear to not let meself get wha’ i come for after reaching so far; i mean, i done let them push proboscis all the way to soft palate, cyah back out now…i tell meself just be still…be still…breathe…
and with my nex’ deep, deep breath, the whole space behind meh closed eyes, and outside, illuminate.
everything go from greyish murk to indigo to bright light in 3blinks and it was like the first time i ever transport from outer into original space all over again, except this still feel so expansive i could tell my thoughts extending, could feel my brain growing to accommodate all this newness, could sense meh senses feeling theyself…
if you ever get offer chance to bond with a indigood, doh stick; it will transform you…
walk good.
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