Wednesday, December 21, 2005

happy new year

i'm taking the opportunity, while i have it, to let you know that me+grims are running off to australia for 3weeks, leaving christmas day (thankfully avoiding all that shit) and returning january 14, 2006.
i thought i'd blog like crazy before we left, making up for lost time and delivering the gremlin chronicles (by the way, i thought narnia was flat, but enjoyed the kid playing lucy in spite of usually disliking children trying to convince me they're preciously precocious and cute, and loved tilda swinton, then finally saw constantine and am thrilled that after liking her for some time, tilda swinton's getting some notice, and just hope it doesn't result in her being swamped with crappy scripts, thus making it harder to find the good ones @ the bottom of her pile)- damn, that was a long aside, even for me, so i'll do a minor backpedal- thought i'd blog before leaving this weekend, but my laptop's being a piece of shit and wouldn't turn on all day. so now that i have it temporarily behaving, i've put everything important on the flashdrive, and i'm letting you know that there's a small chance this may be it for me until next year...
so if i can manage it, i'll deliver the gremlin escapades first, but just in case: happy new year!
check me back, and believe that i'm trying to solve this problem so i can write more before we fly.
january will make it a year that i've been blogging, and it's been a ride- thanks for reading.
back as soon as i can.
walk good.

ps: chrissy, i realise i have email from you that i was too busy to reply to a couple weeks ago, but i will, assuming that i can keep this machine running long enough (tonight was intended to be a catch-up night until technology screwed me). but until i can remail, i wanted to tell you that i think you sound ready to not just walk good, but swing it when you do so...


Blogger Unknown said...

Happy New Year, have much in Oz, see you on the other side.

1:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Newness and merry merryness ,have a good time down under ,all love to you and E.


7:29 am  

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