Sunday, May 01, 2005

back from busy

the hell-month is over. days off return to my life. i can just about muster an exhausted "yay!".
so i guess i'm back- although i have to keep this brief because i have a show this afternoon- i had to drop in to mention my most recent crazy-person-on-the-bus-episode.
this past week i had to take the x2 downtown, and a few stops along the way as i was wondering if i'd make it there alive (that bus ride always feels like the longest ever because the bus stops nearly every damn block and there's always a million people getting on and off) since @ each stop people were pausing on the in+out to not just hail the bus driver, but to hug and kiss her, chat her up, find out when they'd see her on that route again, and generally take their time about (dis)mounting the bus. now i admit, the bus driver was kinda cute and all, but really- if @ every stop at least 2people lime by the door instead of getting their asses out the way, it adds an extra 5minutes to an already long ride. (i admit that if i hadn't been running late, this extra 5minutes wouldn't have seemed so bad, but still...)
so this is the general scene until about halfway there, an older guy boards the bus. he seemed perfectly normal at first, although he had some trouble manouevering his body, bus fare, and baggage, but as soon as he got properly on, it started.
he starts going up to women individually and shouting into their confused and somewhat disgusted faces, "do you still love me?!"
now i must say that even if any of these poor women knew him, this manner of accosting them wouldn't endear him to them in any way. i escaped only because i was trapped between the window and some dude who'd sat next to me @ the previous stop (lame at the time, but much appreciated when the interrogation began).
thankfully i got off the bus before the situation escalated, but this was definitely the most aggressive crazy-bus-person i've come across. now i'm all concerned that i'll never ride the bus in peace again.
where are the crazy-persons i used to like to talk to on the bus?
is the lead in dc's water supply making even the friendly neighbourhood crazy-people nuts?
more later. walk good. watch out on the bus.


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