Tuesday, March 22, 2005

peeing red cherry sours

i have houseguests this week, so i'm not blogging much, but just a few things right quick...
american history museum: briefly stopped by the american history museum yesterday, and that shit is busted. nothing works in that place. none of the supposedly fun, interactive education-aids work. fuckin lame, man.
foot-pedal toilets: conversely, just when i thought i'd enjoyed the air+space museum to its fullest over multiple visits, leaving only einstein's planetarium for a future trip, i went to the ladies' room there yesterday. in the ladies' they have toilets with foot-pedal flushers, which is brilliant since that's what we do anyway, and this novel idea eliminates the need for the high-kick-and-push to achieve bowl-evacuation.
raku: always love it, still love it. raku is a longtime favourite, as well as new-crowd-pleaser with less-detrimental prices and yummy everything else. in short, tamarind-guava-bbq-ribs!
sweet licks: under new management, but claiming to be otherwise the same, pumpkin bars and all. they were out of mozambique and the bars though, and no longer carry pet-ice-cream-and-cookies. not that i have a pet, but...
amish cherry sours: thank-you teri, for making my dreams semi-solid and chewy, sweet-then-sour, and redder than red.

speaking of sweeties: after running into james earl jones some weeks ago @ the radio station (literally almost head-butted the famous barrel-chest from whence the voice emanates) i found out today that gene wilder's in on thursday, while i'm in. maybe gene wilder will give me a last willy wonka moment before johnny depp takes over (as much as i usually don't support the remake, i think burton+depp are the ones to do this one)...
3minutes lost forever: on the phone for the wrong show. at least the "government is shaking in their boots over shirley temple" lady was entertaining. today @ the radio station when i told a caller the programme he wanted had already ended and we were taking calls for a new show now, he insisted on telling me his comment anyway, for 3 painful minutes of my life that i'll never reclaim, so dude in arizona, you the worst. officially. if worst was a best, you get the damn trophy. shit.
and for the big finale, japanese show: i been waiting over a week to tell all about the finest 2hours of television i ever watched. it's a japanese talent show that airs on new year's day, with another competition during summer. it was amazing and endlessly fascinating and i needed to get a link to a sample online that didn't involve japanese characters, because trying to explain is useless- you just have to see for yourself. so go here and click on the 6th button down from the top left menu/sidebar. after you click that 6th button, play the one with what looks like 2 dudes playing pingpong- it's the best representation of the kind of performances you see in this show. if your computer offers to download software to translate characters, don't worry, you won't be reading. hope you enjoy. and for anybody who mighta seen or heard of mummenschantz, it's a little like that...

walk good.


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