Wednesday, February 16, 2005

post-valentine's rant

so after a few emails regarding the whole silly made-up hallmark day, i decided i'd say a little something for us anti-valentines.
but first: i know i've been a delinquent blogger since my return from sweet trini- it's just that grims is designing 2 different shows, so the internet's been otherwise occupied at our house. it's for a good cause though, so i'm working around it.
anyway, back to the fake holiday: i find valentine's day somewhat ridiculous- and as a happily married woman, i refuse all suggestions of my disdain being due to sour grapes- nobody can even agree on how it came about, so how does anybody know what the hell they should be celebrating? it's a made-up day designed to make the single feel bad, and the coupled spend money. why should we make an extra effort to line the pockets of the owners of the card, chocolate, and flower industries? i know i already have a more-than-healthy chocolate intake, prefer flowers live on the bush, and never yet found a card that was truly perfect for both myself-as-giver and the person i wanted to bestow a greeting upon. i've found love-notes to be so much more effective. personal. unique.
i admit i've occasionally found a card funny enough that i bought it for a friend, but never found a satisfying valentine's day card. they're mostly lame.
as for the love part, and the possible dinners, etc- i'm all for it! but not if my husband and i need somebody else to tell us when. i've been pretty good at knowing when something's important and treating it that way, and i hate the potty-training feel of somebody saying "love each other right now!" (actually, now that i say that, it reminds me of christmas. hmmm...)

so for anybody who's against valentine's day, or was sad because you didn't have a valentine, next time that bad feeling crosses your path, grab it by the neck and tell it to go fuck itself!

walk good. happy love day.


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