Friday, January 16, 2015

before it deader than dead...

so new machine finally en route, but yesterday the current dying dinosaur do someting that make me feel it might dead completely before new ting reach, so as nobody seem to be fffing but me right now, lemme right-quick clear the few open tabs before this ting crash+burn for good and take the unarchived with it...
straight up useful and deserving of easy-access; how to write a scene (john august).
a good read, by a good friend [big-up ayo!] about design, and design in a place like sweet t+t...
another good read, that i want to say nothing about but the title: the curious case of lupe fiasco.
an[other read] unexpected but sweet follow to recent minshall linkage, this one for posterity and love of knowing we cultural history, lord of the dance...
as we gone visual, i enjoy that sexy comes bigger than size12...
and to end with a complete shift, not from visual but from sexy; i just love her expression and what "she built" and this piece of lego marketing (totally worth biggening the image)...
walk good.


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