Friday, December 12, 2014

flash fiction friday #43

back by popular demand! or at least, some people i like ask, and i feeling to write, too, so we on like a socks, and off like molly's drawers; wash yuh foot and jump eeen...
keeping it simple for this 1st foray for at least some of us, i going with original-style triggering, a starter insteada inclusion or structural challenge; flash fiction friday #43 trigger:
before the fall of the snake oil empire...

rules of engagement [this week i acknowledge late-posting by nearly an hour, so feel free to recoup that time re:deadline; i eh go vex]:
you will send in your suggestions for flash fiction friday triggers (starter sentences/phrases, closers, titles, inclusions, structural challenges, etc.) anytime during the week up to 11.55a.m. friday, trinbago timezone; i will post the new fff trigger by noon friday trinbago timezone.*
if your trigger is not chosen and you think it is too brilliant not to be chosen, you will send it in again the next week.
you will write an anecdote, short story, or novel length prose poem using the trigger provided.
you will add comments and appropriate linkage to my trigger-post indicating your desire to participate and the completion of your piece (don't need a blogger/gmail account to comment on my blog).
you may join in at any time prior to the deadline.*
you will display your piece as a post on your own blog (or as a comment on my trigger-post or fasbook note or whatever, once we can all read it- please make sure we can all access the link to read it, not just those who are your friends on fasbook; there's a way to create public links for that, right?).
you will be done by monday noon trinbago timezone.*[in light of collective busyness and my general mentality, i not pressed about these deadlines 'cause i'd rather have fun reading late than never, so if you want to fff past deadline, go through hard, just make sure you comment on the appropriate trigger-post so we know which it belongs to, and if is a real old trigger, comment on the most recent post as well so we know something new to back-back+read...if nobody fffs i'll leave the same trigger up until at least 1person other than myself writes a piece]*
write fresh!
walk good.


Blogger Christine Cormier said...

I'm down. Methinks I need some creative writing time.

1:05 pm  
Blogger keifel said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:31 am  
Blogger keifel said...


12:41 am  
Blogger sweet trini said...

in+done. read@
walk good.

5:11 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Before the fall of the Snake Oil Empire Nu Stambul, Lu was fashioned as a sceptre for its ruling family, the Hauskuh. They were Taikh mosihms from lands far to the east who had come to the continent of Hamrikh during the great war of Makhdon. Crafted by skilled ivory workers of Nijenh, Lu was a symbol of mosihm rule in Hamrikh and was passed on through the successive generations of rulers known as zuldans.

The rule of the Hauskuh dynasty would eventually come to an end at the hands of the mosihm usurper Gyog Rakmun. Tracing his lineage back to pioneering jhadhi from Duyshun and Intiyh, Gyog benefitted from his family’s long military history. After landing in the Ha’ Amzon and infiltrating their way into the heart of northern Hamrikh, the Rakmuni set down ties and roots in Nu Stambul. By the time of Gyog’s deposition of the last Hausker zuldan, the Rakmuni had already spread themselves to all service fields of Nu Stambul and adjacent areas just outside its borders in neighbouring states. With his familial ties ensuring his success and protection, and with the sceptre of mosihm rule firmly in hand he then crowned himself Der Groza Zuldan Gyog Rakmun el Awul. With Lu in hand, Gyog began to bully all the surrounding nations of northern Hamrikh, effectively carving out an empire for himself in the process which he then named the Filayat (State) of Goyan.

Five generations after Gyog’s death, his descendent Oskha Thannyh lost his life to rebel slaves on the Goyani pleasure island of Jhinbek. The slaves had received news of a coup de tat that replaced the Rakmuni dynasty with a family of lesser nobles. The new zuldans were smart enough to take full advantage of social unrest that had spread to Goyan from its south-eastern neighbour, Inkahpedu.

10:53 pm  

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