Friday, April 13, 2012

fff#41 + flash fiction friday #42 trigger

i'ma trigger a new flash fiction, even though as far as i know, nobody else completed flash fiction friday #41, trigger (december30, 2011): dare, dear, deer, fair, fare, fear, hair, hare, hear, here; i suspect it was too hard. but here's my attempt, followed by fff#42 trigger...

nothing hard, a small push; nothing more needed, he was already hers. she see the moment it take hold and take pleasure in the thrill of her power. no reason beyond testing herself, she needs nothing, this is sport.
like any skill the push is smoother with practice, and she want to be effortlessly steady when she pull her chosen one. when the moon full she’s come out to play, to practice, to torture, moving in swift like the hare, tortoise tactics saved for the long game still to come.
this one so sweet she almost change her mind; when he meet her eyes the smile she reward him with freeze him mid-gaze, not quite a deer in headlights, a puppy, joyfully oblivious, assuming oncoming cars play fair…she almost release him then, but the night’s fare was discouraging; his fate destined by nothing more than wrong place, wrong time.
she start slow, building desire in his peripheral vision until he dare look directly at her, and timing it so their eyes make four. squashing the urge let him go, she pull tighter, working control, trying to read in his expression how clearly he could hear her subliminal whispering in his ear. she smile at his furtive, longing looks at her lips, her hair, her hands…knowing he was hers, she entertain herself, pushing, pulling, enjoying equally her effect and his ignorance of it, tickled to think he thought his mind his own, watching him debate the approach, knowing he wouldn’t, couldn’t, until she call him to the endgame.
she tires of toying with him and he find himself next to her, offering her a drink, a smoke, whatever she might want he want to provide, but what she want she can’t take here. she push the idea gently, a small push, and the sudden fear of letting a beautiful opportunity slip away makes him bold. he offer to take her home and her pretended pleasant surprise quickly become real as she realise she deep enough in his mind to catch his mother’s voice in his head, “my dear! that is woman!”
she wishes him less endearing as they leave, feeling the smallest guilt over wasting a fine specimen for sport when everyday good women crying and asking where the good men are.

flash fiction friday #42 (inclusion)trigger, with a nod to consecutive good/black fridays: religion, superstition, tradition, vision, collision.
rules of engagement:
you will send in your suggestions for flash fiction friday triggers (starter sentences/phrases, closers, titles, inclusions, etc.) anytime during the week up to 11.55a.m. friday, trinbago timezone; i will post the new fff trigger by noon friday trinbago timezone.*
if your trigger is not chosen and you think it is too brilliant not to be chosen, you will send it in again the next week.
you will write an anecdote, short story, or novel length prose poem using the trigger provided.
you will add comments and appropriate linkage to my trigger-post indicating your desire to participate and the completion of your piece (don't need a blogger/gmail account to comment on my blog).
you may join in at any time prior to the deadline.*
you will display your piece as a post on your own blog (or as a comment on my trigger-post or fasbook note or whatever, once we can all read it- please make sure we can all access the link to read it, not just those who are your friends on fasbook; there's a way to create public links for that, right?).
you will be done by monday noon trinbago timezone.*[in light of collective busyness and my general mentality, i not pressed about these deadlines 'cause i'd rather have fun reading late than never, so if you want to fff past deadline, go through hard, just make sure you comment on the appropriate trigger-post so we know which it belongs to, and if is a real old trigger, comment on the most recent post as well so we know something new to back-back+read...if nobody fffs i'll leave the same trigger up until at least 1person other than myself writes a piece]*
write fresh!
walk good.


Blogger sweet trini said...

in+done, this was fun. immediately above this post on mainpage. walk good.

7:02 pm  

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