charlotte street sightings, friday evening before christmas
the mere existence of some of which was shocking:actually on sentient being walking down the road, loose mesh camouflage shirt with white-trimmed black polo collar.naked big bumsee mannequins trussed together like a defeated insurgency on the pavement outside an empty lot.police in full riot gear with guns "at rest" pointing directly toward traffic.yin-yang bandanna, face-obscuring wraparound darkers, 3quarter-length navy trench flapping mid-shin of too-skinny legs in tall dark dress socks and shiny pointy-toe shoes.perfect circle of powder up-centre of her chest, evenly situated between collar and bosom.nicholai la barrie.walk good.
reading frenzy
trinidad noir reading went very well, even with my coming down with a cold the morning of, watching with horror what i thought was just morning sniffles develop into loss of hearing in 1 ear and the ability to breathe with my mouth closed. i even had a massive sneezing fit @ the venue while the 1st author read, so i was terrified until i was done that i'd just fill the microphone with sniffles, sneezes, snorting and other phlegmy phrases, but as soon as i apologised in advance for my sniffles and launched my story (after being pleasingly intro'd as "edgy"), i was somehow fine. people said i read well (plenty compliments for john on my vocal delivery) and have one of the strong stories in the collection, i was asked to sign books, and even had the pleasure of my mother telling me i was good (extremely rare), plus i pulled off a voice-over today, delivering 3 completely different takes in no time without sounding like i still can't hear myself or breathe properly. so i feel like crap but work wukkin'...walk good.
yes, virginia...
...there is a santa claus.i know this because now i get spam from him, too.walk good.
grims even put up photos!
we had a time in tobago playing sancho pedro every night with foreigners (and on the boat to+from), too many drinks and good food. we did the argyle falls too, which i hadn't before (of course, redid glass-bottom boat for the foreigners) and was so good i can't wait to go back. and grims posted 'bago pictures on facebook along with (finally) pictures of the meteor shower and other shit he been lapsing on, plus promises to blog the photos for we nonfacebookers...the other repeat of the trip: last time it was sandflies ruining my freshly-waxed legs; this time i fucked myself up. walking down a muddy track to another little bacolet beach i slipped, fell and landed shin 1st on a rock. i good buss up my shin, plenty cuts spead over a large area barely missing my tattoo, and bruised the bone enough that i can't wear long pants because the fabric on wound feels like knives. so i have to walk around in stupid little skirts showing off the big bobo more than the sexy legs.we also drove all around, beautiful adventure driving through charlotteville, speyside and some of the north coast, took the road through the forest reserve back, saw a peacock just strolling across the road in l'anse fourmi, got to but not into pirates' and bloody bays...which reminds me we also went adventure driving through flood in carapichaima to see the hanuman murti (largest outside of india; very cool) and waterloo temple (looks very different than i remember although carapichaima looks the same) and i must add that, yes, dopsons might just be the best roti i ever eat.walk good.
got me thinking:
for me hero has something crouching tiger hidden dragon lacks even though i could never and still can't articulate what's missing from the latter for me in the 1st place, just that it lacks a little something, and hero pointed it out.
drug stores make sick people walk down to the back counter to fill prescriptions but presumably healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front register.
why does lemon juice have artificial flavour when dishwashing soap made with real lemons?
is congress the opposite of progress?
"splenda with fibre" somehow makes me feel more like we on the way to the sad future of nutrients delivered in per-meal-dispensation pellets and food a disregarded concept, more than vitamins and prior single-component meals ("in a bottle" and such) have. but that may be my inherent distrust of splenda and other artificial sugar-substitutes for anybody other than diabetics whose only other choice is going without.
this blog is truly my online notebook. so much so that this thought occurred already hyperlinked. but because it's my notebook i never bother that sometimes what i choose to hyperlink is only connected in my head. i sometimes feel guilty for it always being about what and how i need to record rather than the potential reader.
while writing this post i realised i never said boo about trinidad noir- i got my copies, devoured it then promptly did again, and really enjoyed it both times. it's a strong collection; i nearly peed laughing reading bobby antoni's piece and immediately saw how the american reviewers lost out having never heard trinis talk, thus unable to comprehend our language muddied with text-message-style delivery, but it's hysterical. i loved some pieces and liked almost all.
i was totally not embarrassed by my work when i saw it amongst the others like someone had once threatened (a certain jackass said mine was "pornographic", "vulgar" and "obscene" and threatened to withdraw from the collection if it was published as written; luckily i had an editor+publisher on my side) but was quite pleased and love its placement (so if you read the book, don't skip ahead to mine because you know me- read in order) and it's one of the better (neo?)noir collections i've read, even with a couple stories that might not strictly classify as noir.
and now i'm rereading mine for an excerpt, prepping for a reading i was asked to be part of next week. so there's a trinidad noir reading @ normandie (6.30pm thursday december11) and i'm assuming that once i find an excerpt i can handle the anxiety will give way to thrill...
walk good.
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