Sunday, December 07, 2008

grims even put up photos!

we had a time in tobago playing sancho pedro every night with foreigners (and on the boat to+from), too many drinks and good food. we did the argyle falls too, which i hadn't before (of course, redid glass-bottom boat for the foreigners) and was so good i can't wait to go back. and grims posted 'bago pictures on facebook along with (finally) pictures of the meteor shower and other shit he been lapsing on, plus promises to blog the photos for we nonfacebookers...
the other repeat of the trip: last time it was sandflies ruining my freshly-waxed legs; this time i fucked myself up. walking down a muddy track to another little bacolet beach i slipped, fell and landed shin 1st on a rock. i good buss up my shin, plenty cuts spead over a large area barely missing my tattoo, and bruised the bone enough that i can't wear long pants because the fabric on wound feels like knives. so i have to walk around in stupid little skirts showing off the big bobo more than the sexy legs.
we also drove all around, beautiful adventure driving through charlotteville, speyside and some of the north coast, took the road through the forest reserve back, saw a peacock just strolling across the road in l'anse fourmi, got to but not into pirates' and bloody bays...which reminds me we also went adventure driving through flood in carapichaima to see the hanuman murti (largest outside of india; very cool) and waterloo temple (looks very different than i remember although carapichaima looks the same) and i must add that, yes, dopsons might just be the best roti i ever eat.
walk good.


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