so i'm posting not because i have something pressing to say or because the post-in-process is ready, but because i work from my own laptop @ the office and right now with camp running and gremlins constantly hanging over my shoulder, every time i open my browser, my blog/homepage pops up the bad parent photo. and i can't very well fail in similar fashion after exposing the parenting fail, so i need to shift the image lower down my page...
that said, now i feel like i should have something to say, but my post-in-process is just that and the youths keep me too tired to think about more than 1 topic at a time.
but they certainly provide a refresher on age-old truths:
boys+girls still detest each other- even those in acting classes refuse to act like they like each other for fear of the others thinking it's real.
children are disease factories- they will wipe their gross runny noses with their hands+arms then come across the room and grab you with those same appendages to hug you, so you feel bad for trying to escape what you know to be a germ attack.
children will hurt themselves just enough to not be able to dance in class, but not enough to not play games that involve running around a strange room in the dark.
and parents of said gremlins, after you've had a near-homicidal day minding them, will collect them, smiling, because they've been free of them all day, and ask, "when you having yours?"
walk good.
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