Monday, March 19, 2007

a post for nico

i'll chronicle paris the way i did oz, but 1st must fill in some experiences because i am, at heart, an archivist. but even before that, with such dire need that it cannot wait and succeeds in vanquishing my ocd, i have to pong nico. yes, my best friend, the one i braved chicken pox for, which is why it must be said publicly, by myself, that he is lame:
me+grims went to paris via london and got to spend the night by zed and lime with chad, and since i had to interview him for d junction blog anyway, and he's my boy who i rarely see, i called, expecting his black ass to want to lime since we find ourselves in the same town about once every 3years since i started university.
but no. nico leave me out, dread; say he ent feeling good- as if he could pass some other time, easy easy. so i will end up interviewing him by phone instead, in spite of having been within a half-hour ride from his home.
is a good thing i love you, star.
walk good.


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