Wednesday, January 31, 2007

blogger- you get what you pay for.

i didn't want the new blogger. i wanted to stick with the old stylee until the last possible second, but yesterday, when i logged in to quickly link that excellent news, blogger refused to let me log in and get to my dashboard without making the switch- i entered my original log-in info, and it took me to a page that asked me to confirm my password so it could switch me. i hit the back button to make sure i'd clicked the "log-in to old blogger without a google account" (they don't need another link so i'm not wasting the time) button, and i tried again and it took me to the forced switch again. i tried opening a whole new window and it still forced me to the confirm-password-so-we-can-switch-you page. there was no way to log in and post without switching.
since i had a gmail account already and it'd only take 2 seconds, i let them force me to switch, instead of spending hours searching for the way to work around it, thinking they were prob'ly forcing us all to switch @ this point. which is fine, if they worked out all the bugs- but of course, i switched, posted, and equally quickly discovered that all of grims' and angel's comments have suddenly gone anonymous. lame. and there may be others, but in recent comments it seems to be just those 2 (and, of course, anybody who was always anon).
so, who knows how to solve this travesty so my people can be un-anon again? and did anybody else manage to post yesterday (tuesday, before 2pm d.c. time) without being forced to switch?
if all else fails i'll ask blogger, but that's really a last resort. and no, that's not so much a complaint- i get what i pay for, right?
walk good.


Blogger willl said...

blogger has yet to force me into a must switch situation. i haven't a clue how to fix the names back from anonymous, but if something comes up i'll let you know.

4:45 pm  
Blogger AngelConradie said...

i think blooger did that to everyone when they switched- the anonymous comments thing i mean- but after that its fine again...

2:17 pm  
Blogger Baby G & Dizzle said...

right? the new blog sucks. plus, you can't space anything correctly, if you want a picture included in your post. it's crap.
we miss you though, and it's good to know we're both getting pissed about the same thing!

10:55 pm  

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

marijuana+weightloss- how the hell do i sign up?

this is all the drug testing i need- where has this been all my life?!
walk good.


Blogger willl said...


12:19 pm  

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

just happen to be

hustling up from metro to the radio station half-an-hour late i didn't even pause when i saw the well-dressed black man furrowing his brow outside the cvs turn confusedly and stop the brown-floppy-haired dude who'd apparently been walking ahead of me while i was looking down, willing my feet to get me inside before the cold finally drove my senses from me altogether. i smiled the "morning" i usually offer in spite of the district's refusal to acknowledge it, and zoomed around them, pleased with myself for not being annoyed @ their occupation of the sidewalk already slightly lessened by snow. i'm horrible at directions, anyway.
moments later soft steps catch up to me.
"excuse me, are you an actress?"
"well, uh...sometimes."
"yeah, i think i saw you in equus" (except, of course, he said it without hyperlinking)
"dude, that was totally me! wow. this is the 1st time anybody ever recognised me."
the rest of the conversation was inane, due to my shock over this bizarre happening. i desperately wanted to ask what he thought of the show, but thought it might be rude, and make him feel pressed to say nice things he didn't mean. so i babbled something about loving the show and recommended the (brilliant) script (he's a reader) to this lawyer named joey who wears black chucks and glasses.
i spent the entire day @ the station yesterday (technically, day before, but no sleep yet) and today thinking about joey, hoping to run into him again- not because of anything weird, but i just think i made a horrible impression. i didn't present myself as the intelligent, articulate person i know myself to be, and plus, i want to go back and ask him the questions that were circling my mind while we spoke about nothing and increasingly clamouring since. i don't care if it's rude- how often do i have the chance to throw away an opportunity to ask an uninvolved stranger why he saw a show, how often he goes to the theatre, what he honestly thought of the production, what kinds of shows he likes- because in the lobby, post-show, the only people who approach are those who liked it, and friends.
i have never longed to see someone i don't know this much.
and i know that this is tv and thus i lack segue, but how come when stephen colbert talked some shit about rosa parks the other night (when he had bill o'reilly on he said her descendants need to apologise for what she did) nobody made a fuss like they did over barbershop?
and why is it that whenever anybody shows reruns of the few tv shows i like (especially scrubs and x-files) they show that shit ridiculously out of order and replay the same 9 episodes 99 times when you know there are episodes you've never seen in years of watching still out there? i mean, is it really too much to ask that they start @ the very beginning? it's a very fucking good place to start. and since when we read we begin with a-b-c, could we rerun shit like do-re-mi? goddamn! do i have to tell them everything?
walk good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to continue to be the star I've always told you you are then you better get used to dealing with your adoring fans. Just wait until the paparazzi figure things out...

4:00 am  
Blogger willl said...

i hear what you're saying about reruns and completely agree. ironically, in passing days i have seen episodes of chappell show that i never knew existed.

10:35 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my word- i thought south africa was the only place where the reurns were screwed up! i have resorted to buying the xfiles dvd set! 4 episodes per disc and all the seasons!
as for "joey"... if he's enlightened enough to have seen equus in the first place, then he'll know first impressions are not the best way to judge people! i say, take it as a little lesson for next time someone recognises you!

3:46 am  

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Sunday, January 21, 2007


i'm thankfully no longer vomitous but still not feeling so good, and as somebody who loves her food prob'ly a little too much, this weekend is a misery of tiny portions of blandness, which is still a sad step up from thursday-friday's no food. thanks for the positive vibes, angel (for the scientifically curious, angel's the only human/dragon i know of who can't throw up, although we know that horses can't either).
and to touchback my post-in-waiting (not "muffin" etymology yet) does anybody have any ideas on how to maximise the "search this blog" feature? i'm still trying to find that elusive previous related post so i can link+write the one cluttering up my brain, and now i'm also looking for something i swear i wrote about daylight savings time being petarded, for similar purposes. i've tried every keyword i can think of, and not only can i not find what i'm looking for, i'm not even getting other posts that i'm positive exist and definitely contain said keywords...
when i asked for help the other day my peoples had answers right quick, so once again, pretty please...
walk good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what do you call the combination of a horse, a dragon and an angel?
i can't get my search function to work either... i just don't use it!

3:35 am  

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Friday, January 19, 2007


this week was the 1st in awhile that i was home, but truth is, i still worked all day, every day, until the throwing up yesterday. reverse peristalsis is as horrid as i remembered.
i'm directing a middle school shakespeare production that'll be performed on a professional stage the 1st week of march. auditions happen next week and rehearsals start the following monday, so i have about a month- thank god it's only a 45minute cut, because full-length shakespeare would be nigh impossible with these limitations...
anyway, the real point of this post was to say i'm alive, just working and possibly ill, and i have something good to share:
army of one- nico doing my favourite track off his album superhero to many small insects. more tunes from nico sooncome, plus an interview with him for d junction...
walk good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aaaw trini- i'm so sorry you're feeling shitey... since my op i am physically incapable of throwing up, but i tell you- i had a brief tummy bug and nausea and i would have given a kidney to be able to throw up and shake that biliousness!
the play sounds exciting. tell me- are all the kids in the play from the same school?

1:54 pm  
Blogger sweet trini said...

thanks angel- you're a doll. and i love the new winged dragon avatar.
but now (if it's not too intrusive) you must explain because science nerds like me are dying to know- you're physically incapable of throwing up? (i posted once about how horses are too) how did the surgery cause that, and what happens if you ingest something poisonous- do you have to wait and hope it clears on the other end without killing you or automatically have your stomach pumped? i'm going over to your blog too, because i remember while you were dealing with the surgery it was my crazy busy time and i prob'ly missed the details...glad you seem otherwise fine, though.
walk good.

12:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey trini! sorry i'm so slow doll... about the op, at the end of october last year i had a "nissen fundoplication" to repair a hiatus hernia. what the op entails is wrapping the top part (fundus) of the stomach around the base of the esophagus to create a new valve. a hiatus hernia means the stomach valve is permanently open so i had heartburn literally 24/7... unless i didn't eat at all for a coupla days.
i haven't had heartburn since and it is such a pleasure!
the only "complication" (for lack of a better word) is that i now cannot burp or throw up since the new valve cannot work in reverse.

3:32 am  

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

trinidad noir

all northwest trini massive- help!
writing noir set in sweet trini when i not there real hard- i need to know if it had any maxi or taxi route running from the laranade up towards the savannah, back when peake's on the foreshore still had a royal castle and martin's was still on cipriani boulevard- i trying to get a character from a hawk-and-spit on lower henry street back up to charford court.
and as much as i feelin' shame to say i forget, green corner is park and wha?
walk good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

green corner is park and st vincent street. i dont think there is a taxi route from promenade to the savannah. you could take a st anns car from by woodford square which would pass on the savannah. Maybe before there was a promenade?( but i never used to travel in dem days)

Ayanna( de one who is not scrawn:)

11:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually depending on the time frame you used to be able to get a st. ann's taxi at the bottom of henry st. and they used to go straight up henry and turn on gordon.


10:36 am  
Blogger sweet trini said...

thanks ayanna- that green corner miss was an embarrassment.
keif- st.ann's is the route i was thinking of self!
anybody with any other (maxi)taxi routes?
walk good.

11:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any Maxi's going from Montello and Owen south to Diego Martin?

3:22 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sheesh trini- some of that was such greek to me that for a minute there i thought it was one of those spam emails... maybe i need some sleep!

1:47 pm  

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


it bothers me when people i know to be assholes start acting all nice. if you're an asshole who has made me hate you, then don't suddenly start being nice to me- it confuses me and i don't know how to act. i'm already hating you because you deserve it so it's wrong to make me feel like the bad person now. you need to cut it out. i don't care if you've stumbled into an unexpected sex bounty; i am not and thus will not be made the asshole.
walk good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

does that include people were nice and then act like assholes ?


8:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hhhmmm... so, start acting even nicer and confuse them some more!

7:50 am  

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

not-so-natural mystic

apparently, the usa is a stinky mcfarty.
walk good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

for a minute i thought you were talking about me on the couch...

11:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aaaaaalrighty then...

7:51 am  

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Sunday, January 07, 2007

for my hip-hop heads

finally picked up ghostface killah's fishscale and got more fish one time, on faith. 3 tracks into fishscale things was feeling epic, and that was before the current killer featuring the wu tang clan came on- go get it. now.
walk good.
ps: nas' hip hop is dead and mos def's true magic next in the playlist...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Mos's new album was delayed. I hope you are picking it up tomorrow!

1:33 pm  
Blogger willl said...

all excellent albums.

10:22 pm  

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

road rage

christmas eve we ate @ rosa mexicano with alyfromcali and family.
when we talked about what time we needed to leave home to make our reservation, grims quoted some time that i promised i'd be ready for, but i must confess that i am rarely on time (although when i make us late, is usually 5-15; when he makes us late, we an hour and more late).
i did try to be ready but was, of course, late- by the time we left home it was 10minutes before our reservation.
as we got in the car and i saw the time, i thought, "safe. this is the amount of time it should really take to get there anyway..." which led me to ponder why grims always wants to leave so much earlier than i think is necessary to be somewhere, which led me to ponder whether my consistent lateness might be due to consistently underestimating the amount of time it takes to get somewhere (i should confirm that when i talk about being always late, i'm talking about engagements with hard deadlines, not limes and fetes and shit you can just fall in).
i sat through the ride with bated breath, wondering which of us had estimated drive-time correctly, and every time we were momentarily stuck behind some incompetent fool i got anxious. but grims drove like a star (dare i say, like moses?) avoiding every pothole and non-driving asshole with beautiful skill, masterfully switching to the best lane at the right time, skating through yellow lights with aplomb, stopping for nothing.
we approached the restaurant and i thought we might make it in 10 after all, but then remembered parking, in the district, the day before christmas, and my stomach fell again.
we got close and started looking. grims saw a spot but we decided to get closer. we turned the corner to drive past rosa mexicano and saw a single empty spot waiting, immediately in front of rosa's welcoming doors. we turned off the engine @ 4.59pm and stepped inside, on time, because the traffic gods smiled upon us, bestowing rock stardom.
in that moment, i realised that i don't so much underestimate how long it takes to get somewhere as i assume that when i get in my car, i'll drive.
it's time to get the petards off the road.
walk good.


Blogger willl said...

dc driving sucks. i'm working on a similar post. stay tuned.

11:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to leave so early because I know how late you tend to run so I give you an early go time and we usually make it on time. Forget I said this. I really want to be 20 minutes early for everything.

3:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the opposite problem. I always overestimate and then I'm ridiculously early. It seems to skip a generation in my family. We used to tell my grandpa to be somewhere an hour after we wanted him just so he wouldn't show up when we were in pj's. But my mom gets up for work 20 minutes before she has to be there and we alway miss the previews at the movies.
I think my mom and I cancelled each other out this visit, thus we only beat you to the restaurant by a minute.

8:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm usually slightly early or right on time... something my daddy darling drummed into us all our lives!

4:04 pm  

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

d junction

posted over @ trinidad junction, trying to frame a picture of working in d.c. theatre...did i miss anything?
walk good.


Blogger willl said...

great post over there. nice work.

10:14 pm  

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Monday, January 01, 2007

why we should never celebrate anything

fools that we were, we hadn't learned our lesson on that fateful anniversary and went out this evening to celebrate finally having some of the holiday part of the season together. and for the most part it was ok, except for that one part where i lost my phone.
now, any freelancer will tell you their phone is paramount, and anybody in the arts+entertainment business will tell you twice. so i kept my cool because my understanding of this had spurred me to get the insurance with my plan- all i had to do was call and say the phone was m.i.a. so nobody could run up the bill between now and tomorrow morning when i would walk into the nearest store and get a new phone- right? wrong.
i called. they're closed for the holiday, which i expected, so i wait for the emergency number. i call it, only to find that the insurance policy isn't handled by the phone company itself and i now have to call another number to ask the insurance company how and how soon i get a new phone. just as i'm digesting the information that the new phone may not be instantaneous, i'm told that there's a $50 deductible- what the fuck's the point of insurance on an item when the deductible's the same amount as the fucking item in the 1st place?!
karma's coming back like a mutha for my forgetting me+grims can't go out and have a good time on any sort of occasion whether we're actively celebrating it or not, and refusing to go to a damn costume party for old year's night.
this phone thing better be easy in the fucking morning.
walk good.


Blogger willl said...

sorry for all the unnecessary drama. i hope it all works out with ease.

1:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least we got to be together, had some good food and saw a decent flick, even if you thought the poker was boring. But from now on, all celebrating is done behind closed doors, our doors, with no interaction with the world of lost phones, missing restaurants, and innapropriate children bouncing off the backs of our seats in graphic R rated movies.

5:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh boy- your phone debacle sounds just like mine did in south africa a coupla years ago! just goes to show the grass isn't always greener... heh heh!

4:10 pm  

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you can tell how much the new year matters... the unapologetic mishmash that is my mind:
john legend's current album sounds like a norah jones interpretation of stevie wonder. not bad at all.

when i was younger, i mean, for years, the mike myers thing confused the fuck outta me (long distance and an earlier preference for alex p. keaton are my only excuses).

i wish i could read this blog; but think i'm about to start reading this one.

i can't help thinking that the calendar is just a man-made construct, even if it does puport to be designed around the ceaseless movements of mothers universe and nature, fussing over their little planet. if feeling like one date holds more importance than another gets you going, use what works. me...not so much. i guess this is the other reason i don't feel a need to party on old year's night.

have you seen albinos in any race but black (think hair)? thus far: 1 yes, 1 maybe, 2 no's.

walk good.


Blogger Katness said...

Pruf's a lil ADD but he's a sweetheart.

9:44 pm  

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