Thursday, November 17, 2005

las' 2 fucking weeks

i know this is late, but i can't just let it go. it's been a fucking mess.
i took the whole of last week off and made zero dollars to try and facilitate the refinishing of our floors where the bathroom-contractor-assholes had fucked it up, before alyfromcali moved back and needed our guest room for 2weeks until her apartment's ready (of course, the worst patch right outside the bathroom door is also right outside the guest room door).
i spent the week catching up on shit i hadn't been able to take care of while the bathroom-contractor-assholes were destroying my home and not doing a good job on the bathroom. but there were things i couldn't do until the floor was done, so i spent much of the week in frustration, not getting those things done, and the floor still never got fixed.
in addition, last wednesday night (not yesterday), the toilet started leaking and pissy toilet water seeped through the floor and kitchen ceiling, and dripped on me- and no, the fact that it was my pee does not make it ok. so not only were the bathroom-contractor-assholes ruining it as they went along, they managed to set us up with 2week-delay shit (no pun intended) too, that involved tearing up our kitchen ceiling and grims removing the new toilet, replacing the wax seal twice, and putting it back together.
last week was otherwise generally crazy, but that's normal, so no need for details.
tuesday night (this week) grims had a 9pm outdoor game. i rushed home from the radio station about 7.30pm, planning to bathe before we left, since we wouldn't get back home until after midnight. so i bathed, and somehow broke my glasses. i wore my contacts to the game, figuring i'd wear them to work yesterday (wednesday) too, then get the glasses fixed after work so i'd have them back within 24hours.
it was a good plan, until i fell asleep in the lenses and woke up yesterday morning with my eyes glued shut, then managed to melt the goo with copious hot water, remove the lenses, stumble around blindly while trying to get dressed, then put those gross lenses right back in my eyes because i had to work and my glasses were broke. i wore darkers all day (even sitting @ the desk in front of the computer) because my eyes looked so shitty i didn't want to spend the day answering questions about my possible drunkenness or death in the family, and they hurt like a bitch when any light hit them. they hurt so bad i even wore them all the way home in the dark on the bus.
but i got new glasses and got home (and soaked in the mini-hurricane) last night just in time for our meeting with the bathroom-contractor-asshole who never returned my phone calls while the (very poor) work was in progress but has managed to call several times since he realised we'd kicked his crew out and he could try collecting $. the meeting was our opportunity to tell him how much we weren't paying him for all the shit poorly done, not done, and in need of redoing.
when we got to the recently leaking toilet, this asshole had the nerve to ask why we didn't call him when it started leaking, and i had to spell out how absurd it woulda been to call the petards (yes, 'p'- i like shakespeare) who fucked it up in the first place (along with the floors and several other things, like wiring the light fixtures and outlet in series instead of in parallel which, one only needs high school physics to know, means that the second fixture and outlet can only be used when the first light's already on, which makes the night-light we used to plug in for guests moot, among other issues) and trust that they'd be smart or capable enough to fix it. needless to say, that meeting was not the most wonderful way to round off the night of wading through the storm unable to see, trying to get glasses fixed. plus, we ended up giving him more than i woulda, but grims is a nice guy. i'm consoling myself with the fact that we still withheld about $1,500 from the initial quote for their incompetence, but i have to admit if it were entirely up to me, they'd get a lot less.

anyway, on the positive, yesterday trinbago barely qualified for the world cup.
the 2game qualifier nearly killed me, as did the facts that grims break biche to watch it while i couldn't, and that since i'm not currently there i didn't get a public holiday today (i knew if the soca warriors won there'd be a holiday in it, and was rueing my location in advance). but yay! germany, we comin'.
and now, after 2games, they know how to say the name of our team too- i so wanted to call after the 1st match and tell them we know how to spell soccer, and the team name isn't a reference to the sport. i hate how sometimes sports commentators think their too-often-regurgitated useless information makes up for not doing basic homework.
i have to say though, that i was unpleasantly surprised by some of the behaviour i saw from bahrain, and the shitty denial of our rhythm section. but small t'ing. we dey.
and now i'm tired and have to stop this so i can make it through work tomorrow.
i apologise for not being on the ball (pun intended that time) this week, especially about the football excitement- i'm more excited than i sound, but tiredness is kicking my ass to the mattress.
i gone dey. bed callin'.
walk good.


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