Tuesday, October 18, 2005


so i realise that i'm rapidly losing anonymity.
when i started this blog i intentionally made it so i could be contacted, but my real name wasn't available on it. i keep most names in my chatter to first only so as not to implicate the innocent, and i think i've only referred to my gigs by pet names.
yes, i'm a tiny bit of a privacy freak, but just as a manifestation of my control freak-ness.
but as time passes i realise how easy it's become to attach a name (and face) to my originally-faceless prattle, and i'm trying to decide if i care- although, admittedly, it's far too late. but you know i couldn't just let it go without having an opinion.
it started with friends linking me using my real name. and it's cool because i never told them it wasn't- i wouldn't want my silly fetish to interfere with anybody's comfort zone of expression. i safe. and i figured people finding me that way prob'ly already knew me anyway.
but then i think i let a few things slip because i wasn't really paying attention, and i was planning to try and remedy that, but then this last trip to trini i gave up on that whole effort. my excitement actually beat back my paranoia.
not that it matters, like i said, i just couldn't let it pass me by.

and big-up nano for letting me know that if you start circling your right foot clockwise from the ankle, then try to draw a #6 in the air with your right hand, your foot can't keep circling clockwise...

act like yuh know!
walk good.


Blogger Christine Cormier said...

Hi Sweets,

No worries, your ?secret? is safe with me, because I only know you from what you have written to me and what I know from your blog. (a name, I assume yours, shows up when you post a comment on my blog and it comes to me as an email) Are you a celebrity or something? Wait... I don't want to know. If you are a celebrity I would have to cease all contact, as I am an attention monger and a celebrity would just steal my thunder.

Just kidding.

I like not knowing too much about you, while it adds to the intrigue and your exotic-ness. You are a great pen pal, and I appreciate your curiosity. You are a truly a sweet trini, and to me will always be so. walk good.

4:03 am  

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