Tuesday, June 14, 2005

trying to end poverty

big up nico for sending me this link to the site of a group of ordinary world citizens like us, trying to pressure the g8 into doing enough to feasibly stop some of the bullshit and unnecessary duality of our times. the g8's already announced some efforts in the right direction, but more is better when the resources exist. and they do.
if you've read anything about my current computer situation (see previous posts) you'll understand that i'm not giving you a link to the g8 because googling it, then going through the results to find the best one, then finding my way back here to insert it would take me 2 hours more than i have to spend on it right now. sorry. it'll be better soon.
and although my lack of recognition of any need to capitalise might suggest otherwise, i do try to maintain a good standard of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and, as such, apologise for the line under the link extending past the word "link" in this post.
and, of course, the lack-of-g8-link-situation applies to the lack-of-link-to-previous-post as well. sorry again.
walk good.


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