Wednesday, April 15, 2020


my possibly-latest-ever fff; far from perfect but that not wha' fff for, and i like the idea's possibilities, which is wha' fff for. so, flash fiction friday #79; [conceptual] trigger: a future.

it had a time when we used to be able to just call them, yes. serious. parents used to like to bawl behind their children enough so names was easy to know, and it didn’t have no aircondition then, was open window, so we would just call them, literally. had a time was just to wait on parents to turn their back, and whisper. wait on parents to leave the room, and coax. wait for them to send the children in their bed, and cajole. curious children, wayward children, disobedient children, call their name, they’s yours. inquisitive children, insolent children, indolent children, call their name, yours. prying children, crying children, lying children, call them, they’s yours. fas’ children, ‘fraid children, force-ripe children, call them…we used to eat we belly full. we had it nice, them times. we get spoil.
then come the dearth. we just wasn’t keeping up. times was changing, children was changing, but we was still hunting same way, or at least, trying to. trying and failing, mostly. we get accustom to good eating, then good food get hard to find. couldn’t just call names to get their attention again, not like long time. we had to learn getting followers take more than that. we who had only voice, and not even the benefit of face, had to compete with mass media and devices. we who can only walk away from our intention had to learn to navigate+infiltrate the virtual world…
the weak among we say it was impossible and accept the inevitable wasting away of them left on the fringes of cultural memory. but the douen-who-lead-from-behind…yes, who else? the douen-who-lead-from-behind come out from the forest and snatch the first mobile phone and discover the secret of connection and the scale of contacts and save alla-we! allyuh so only know to call on device and ting but when some of we who out here long time talk ‘bout calling for we dinner…
is a whole new world out here these days.

walk good.


Blogger SunilpWhittle said...

Yes yes yes. As much as i love folk lore stories they are always placed somewhere in the past. Never thought about them in present or future. Fantastic idea! Hoop hoop!

12:22 pm  
Blogger sweet trini said...

tenx! i working on a few more for "all of our shadows" so using fffs to progress ideas+ stories where possible.

7:15 pm  

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