Tuesday, June 09, 2015


my flash fiction friday #58: coffee, picture, write, cream[s/y/etc.]

inhale, slow, exhale, slow, inhale, slow, exhale, slow, inhale, slow, exhale, slow...trying to drink fast but not burn any part of my mouth, i wonder how much my breath…inhale, slow, exhale, slow, inhale, slow, exhale, slow…barely making it across the entire surface, could possibly be cooling the dark liquid…inhale, slow, exhale, slow, inhale, slow, exhale, slow…especially as tipping the cup to drink must bring some…inhale, slow, exhale, slow…unbreathed-upon…inhale, slow, exhale, slow…sloshing up from below to surprise my lips and tip of my tongue…inhale, slow, exhale, slow…too besides, my breath particularly scanty right now…inhale, exhale…right now the air i expel lacking both quantity+power…inhale, exhale…and its relative oxygen-richness doh help with temperature, far as i know…inhale, exhale…hence the black coffee in the 1st place, is not like tha’s my usual style; i like my cream+sugar, yes…inhale, exhale…i suppose is granny have me so…inhale, exhale…but wait, our interior body temperature not nearly boiling point anyway? why we’s feel blowing on something could cool it down again? inhale, exhale…admittedly, less steam rising into my nostrils now, sooo…inhale…smells so good…exhale…inhale…better than it taste, for damn sure…exhale, inhale…wonder why black coffee supposed to help an asthma attack…well, how, i suppose, is how it help…some kinna chemical reaction something? caffeine? riiight…caffeine, because coke supposed to work too…dark matters, dread…wait, breathing good again there? gosh yes, thank…but wait…because of gran my introduction to coffee had milk…oh shit! all these years i picturing coffee-coloured skin looking like latte when alla these writers mean something totally different...what the…well, shit…how much else i getting wrong?!

walk good.


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