flash fiction friday #57; [inclusion]trigger: ...moments [that] amount to nothing momentous... ["that" for use if necessary to facilitate voice/syntax; feel free to disregard if no structural necessity] rules of engagement: you will send in your suggestions for flash fiction friday triggers (starter sentences/phrases, closers, titles, inclusions, structural challenges, etc.) anytime during the week up to 11.55a.m. friday, trinbago timezone; i will post the new fff trigger by noon friday trinbago timezone.* if your trigger is not chosen and you think it is too brilliant not to be chosen, you will send it in again the next week. you will write an anecdote, short story, song or novel length prose poem using the trigger provided. you will add comments and appropriate linkage to my trigger-post indicating your desire to participate and the completion of your piece (don't need a blogger/gmail account to comment on my blog). you may join in at any time prior to deadline.* you will display your piece as a post on your own blog (or as a comment on my trigger-post or fasbook note or whaever, once we can all read it- please make sure we can all access the link to read it, not just those who are your friends on fasbook; there's a way to create public links for that, right?). you will be done by monday noon trinbago timezone.*[in light of collective busyness and my general mentality, i not pressed about these deadlines 'cause i'd rather have fun reading late than never, so if you want to fff past deadline, go through hard, just make sure you comment on the appropriate trigger-post so we know which it belongs to, and if is a real old trigger, comment on the most recent post as well so we know something new to back-back+read...if nobody fffs i'll leave the same trigger up until at least 1person other than myself writes a piece]* write fresh! walk good.
my attempt@ flash fiction friday #56; [inclusions]trigger: stay, kept, left, right, wrong one in front the other, ripples of pain spreading outward from nosebridge across cheekbones, up temples+forehead, infiltrating hairline and washing over+through your entire brain each time your foot strike ground, left, like your heel smashing against your head insteada road, right, reverberating inside your thumping skull, left…keep moving, pushing through the thudding+echoing pain, forward, onward, go… you eh know how long you walking, running, dragging, where you are anymore, just that you past where you were and must keep going for the smell of home to soothe this headache. the acrid air haunting your nostrils slowly give way to the thick, clinging scent of overripe mangoes, until forced to give way to the dry smoke and fluttering ash of bushfire. you keep going, trying not to think about what you leaving; there was no way to stay. once suspicion set in, mistrust follow, and your secrets cyah be kept for long. any man boldface enough or just wild enough to snatch at you without your come-hither setting up interaction could expose all your business with a flick of his wrist. your skirts and combined powers of selection+illusion are all that keep your truth hidden enough to make continued existence possible. chief making geera this morning, far in the distance of the smellscape, but inescapable still. keep moving. more bushfire. eventually, a waft of mangoes again, then citrus, and you know you can autopilot the rest. tortuga not exactly close, but estate easy to sniff out for somebody like you who know the place before it had anything besides estate. nex’ time you’ll be more careful; cyah get too comfortable, clearly; when las’ you misjudge and call-hither the wrong one? you supposed to be better than that, out here too long to mistakenly pick man already too overripe to eat… walk good.
slightly late but nowhere near as bad as we know trini-time could be...flash fiction friday #56; [inclusions]trigger: stay, kept, left, right, wrong rules of engagement: you will send in your suggestions for flash fiction friday triggers (starter sentences/phrases, closers, titles, inclusions, structural challenges, etc.) anytime during the week up to 11.55a.m. friday, trinbago timezone; i will post the new fff trigger by noon friday trinbago timezone.* if your trigger is not chosen and you think it is too brilliant not to be chosen, you will send it in again the next week. you will write an anecdote, short story, song or novel length prose poem using the trigger provided. you will add comments and appropriate linkage to my trigger-post indicating your desire to participate and the completion of your piece (don't need a blogger/gmail account to comment on my blog).you may join in at any time prior to deadline.* you will display your piece as a post on your own blog (or as a comment on my trigger-post or fasbook note or whaever, once we can all read it- please make sure we can all access the link to read it, not just those who are your friends on fasbook; there's a way to create public links for that, right?). you will be done by monday noon trinbago timezone.*[in light of collective busyness and my general mentality, i not pressed about these deadlines 'cause i'd rather have fun reading late than never, so if you want to fff past deadline, go through hard, just make sure you comment on the appropriate trigger-post so we know which it belongs to, and if is a real old trigger, comment on the most recent post as well so we know something new to back-back+read...if nobody fffs i'll leave the same trigger up until at least 1person other than myself writes a piece]* write fresh! walk good.
this is an open letter a theatre practitioner i love+respect wrote me and publicly posted after a performance we did together las' year; been meaning to repost here, not to brag, but so that on the days i feel listless, uninspired, uncreative, untalented, i can be reminded that i am capable of great things and make meself get back up+make/art/wuk...so, for those[me] who sometimes[often] need reminding that what we do is worthwhile+appreciated, OPEN LETTER TO ELISHA EFUA BARTELS as MEDEA in the Trinidad Theatre Workshop TTW staged reading of: CARNIVAL MEDEA : A Bacchanal by Rhoma Spencer and Shirlene Holmes Adapted from the Euripides Tragedy That you, Bartels Efua Elisha, should have risen so gloriously, like a full moon in Petit Carême season, cannot be lightly considered. That you brought with your sudden, much-needed arrival in Rhoma's production, the political attributes of a Walcott-trained thespian dispensing concision and impromptuality - Medea-style - even before you subsumed yourself into the sacrificial role, attests to your dignified understanding of your own personal weddinged pain and your carefully-nurtured, experiential collection of a Caribbean-styled Aristotelian theatre at its best. Peradventure, to say your personal presentation of Medea was "Wonderful!" is a politically-distracting understatement - an inverted euphemism of sorts - that lends artificial credibility to the sacredness of what can be only equated to your soulful offertory of a holy and religiously-ecstatic portrayal of a practiced Bunraku artist. The Japanese would snap you up in a second...despite their gendered preference!!! Would that you continue to present yourself as Peter Brook's empty space while "crossing the abyss on a tightrope...!" I have become languid of the kitchen-sink dramatists of recent vintage and had surrendered my carefully-honed artistic sensibilities back to their original muse... but last night... they were resurrected!!... by your touching, sensitive kaleidscopic painting, of a classic tragic heroine named Medea, on the canvas of my mind. For that, I celebrate you and pronounce your name publicly. Continue the greatness, chile! Love, Strength and Powers!!! Che Rodriguez. walk good.
my flash fiction friday #55; starter-trigger: the problem with flowers is they don’t actually eliminate smell, are at best merely a mask, and as olfactory ruse, weak. so in spite of the many roses you thought to bring, the scent is still like a velvet-cushioned bag of bricks to the head upon entry and sticks in your nostrils like an umbrella was inserted+opened behind it. roses still sweet+earthy as ever, but playing accessory to the crime starring the scent of dead; in their current supporting-cast context, synecdoche for your entire garden, carefully cultivated for nobody to appreciate. your mind thought it was prepared. it was wrong. you were wrong. roses grow into vines and spiral from the tangle clutched in your hands out+around your head, crown dethorned as you plucked them, the most time you had ever spent attending to individual plants, using the time to gather yourself for the scene you knew you would enter. the roses keep growing, crown creeping back down to your shoulderblades and planting itself, then spreading upward+outward, feathers of petals whispering at your shoulders and beyond them, attar fanning into the airwaves over your love as your new-formed wings rustle, then stretch, then beat gently, once, twice, 3times, and lift you easily up+away from the end of the one person you ever thought loved you. walk good.
on time this time, with hopes for my actual story's timeliness too, so, without further ado, flash fiction friday #55 trigger: the problem with flowers is... rules of engagement: you will send in your suggestions for flash fiction friday triggers (starter sentences/phrases, closers, titles, inclusions, structural challenges, etc.) anytime during the week up to 11.55a.m. friday, trinbago timezone; i will post the new fff trigger by noon friday trinbago timezone.* if your trigger is not chosen and you think it is too brilliant not to be chosen, you will send it in again the next week. you will write an anecdote, short story, song or novel length prose poem using the trigger provided. you will add comments and appropriate linkage to my trigger-post indicating your desire to participate and the completion of your piece (don't need a blogger/gmail account to comment on my blog). you may join in at any time prior to deadline.* you will display your piece as a post on your own blog (or as a comment on my trigger-post or fasbook note or whaever, once we can all read it- please make sure we can all access the link to read it, not just those who are your friends on fasbook; there's a way to create public links for that, right?). you will be done by monday noon trinbago timezone.*[in light of collective busyness and my general mentality, i not pressed about these deadlines 'cause i'd rather have fun reading late than never, so if you want to fff past deadline, go through hard, just make sure you comment on the appropriate trigger-post so we know which it belongs to, and if is a real old trigger, comment on the most recent post as well so we know something new to back-back+read...if nobody fffs i'll leave the same trigger up until at least 1person other than myself writes a piece]* write fresh! walk good.
as ridiculously late as the trigger was, my flash fiction friday #54; [inclusions]trigger: ring, fling, sing, string sometimes, you die and don’t know why or how or who just that there is a hole where your insides should be and you empty unexpectedly a fling now unflung navelstring unstrung abruptly done no fizzle no fete nor parting ways satisfied, conditions well met instead an ambush split you wide open ears ringing blood singing you try not to fall into a million pieces and fall into a black hole instead. walk good.
ridiculously late, i know, i sorry; but i never fail you yet, ent...flash fiction friday #54; [inclusions]trigger: ring, fling, sing, string rules of engagement: you will send in your suggestions for flash fiction friday triggers (starter sentences/phrases, closers, titles, inclusions, structural challenges, etc.) anytime during the week up to 11.55a.m. friday, trinbago timezone; i will post the new fff trigger by noon friday trinbago timezone.* if your trigger is not chosen and you think it is too brilliant not to be chosen, you will send it in again the next week. you will write an anecdote, short story, song or novel length prose poem using the trigger provided. you will add comments and appropriate linkage to my trigger-post indicating your desire to participate and the completion of your piece (don't need a blogger/gmail account to comment on my blog). you may join in at any time prior to deadline.* you will display your piece as a post on your own blog (or as a comment on my trigger-post or fasbook note or whaever, once we can all read it- please make sure we can all access the link to read it, not just those who are your friends on fasbook; there's a way to create public links for that, right?). you will be done by monday noon trinbago timezone.*[in light of collective busyness and my general mentality, i not pressed about these deadlines 'cause i'd rather have fun reading late than never, so if you want to fff past deadline, go through hard, just make sure you comment on the appropriate trigger-post so we know which it belongs to, and if is a real old trigger, comment on the most recent post as well so we know something new to back-back+read...if nobody fffs i'll leave the same trigger up until at least 1person other than myself writes a piece]* write fresh! walk good.
this week i actually, magically, finish writing my fff before deadline[!] but lack of internet access to check a single detail and then post, mean it only now going up. but still, close to deadline, allyuh! flash fiction friday #53 trigger: …if nobody ever understands, you give up trying to explain… fire? smoke, almost definitely, but… fire? nostrils burning but instinctively flaring as my brain struggle to make sense of the invisible alarm, i turn, slowly, half-expecting to find everything behind me somehow silently, coolly, ablaze. still no sign but the unmistakeable smell. i finish my rotation, circling back to see the rabbit, waiting. nose twitching and everything. extremely rabbity. his voice is nothing like i expect, a velvet hammer all out of proportion with his size, a not-even-full-grown rabbit with a voice so big if it weren’t cushioned by bass it’d be terrifying…at least, as terrifying as a fluffy brown bunny could be. i feel vaguely like i should be more surprised, but i wonder about the quality of his voice just day before when he saunter into the yard as i was doing a final polish and decide to read it to him; he listen hard, smile+wink at me before he stretch backward, rearing up on his hind legs, baring his jaws, oddly like a cat, just like the thundercats logo in fact, then hop over to the nex’ clump of grass in the driveway… what the rabbit actually saying finally start to penetrate and i remember the smell of smoke. i forget myself completely, walk out my house naked as i born, down the road, and lean on the neighbour doorbell knowing how hard mrs.bridgemohan does sleep. to this day nobody believe how i know to go and wake she that night, and if nobody ever understand[s], you give up trying to explain them how truth stranger than fiction. but all mrs.bridgemohan lose was the back room of the house insteada she life. nex’ day everybody who play 2 and 23 mark win. i eventually just start saying “i had a dream”…it was easier for everybody to hear. walk good.
flash fiction friday #53 trigger: "...if nobody ever understands, you give up trying to explain..." rules of engagement: you will send in your suggestions for flash fiction friday triggers (starter sentences/phrases, closers, titles, inclusions, structural challenges, etc.) anytime during the week up to 11.55a.m. friday, trinbago timezone; i will post the new fff trigger by noon friday trinbago timezone.* if your trigger is not chosen and you think it is too brilliant not to be chosen, you will send it in again the next week. you will write an anecdote, short story, song or novel length prose poem using the trigger provided. you will add comments and appropriate linkage to my trigger-post indicating your desire to participate and the completion of your piece (don't need a blogger/gmail account to comment on my blog). you may join in at any time prior to the deadline.* you will display your piece as a post on your own blog (or as a comment on my trigger-post or fasbook note or whaever, once we can all read it- please make sure we can all access the link to read it, not just those who are your friends on fasbook; there's a way to create public links for that, right?). you will be done by monday noon trinbago timezone.*[in light of collective busyness and my general mentality, i not pressed about these deadlines 'cause i'd rather have fun reading late than never, so if you want to fff past deadline, go through hard, just make sure you comment on the appropriate trigger-post so we know which it belongs to, and if is a real old trigger, comment on the most recent post as well so we know something new to back-back+read...if nobody fffs i'll leave the same trigger up until at least 1person other than myself writes a piece]* write fresh! walk good.
done+posted@ http://urbanfolktales.blogspot.com/2015/06/fff57.html
walk good.
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