in memoriam
[warning: too emotional to edit]
tiny hands too soft to call gnarled but bulging with vessels too turgid for sagging wrinkles roll balls of tart bittersweet tamarind with sugar, pepper, garlic, churn coconut icecream slowly, slowly, for perfect consistency and stretching of young ones' eyes+patience, boil down guava for cheese or jelly treated like dessert, rarely spread on bread or crix, instead lovingly licked directly from a spoon pushed deep in the recycled jam jar and turned only with effort...always generous of heart+hand, our granny, shared by many, bloodlines never proving barriers to her capacity to nurture; we grew up having somewhere we knew we could always go, where her skirts smelled of comfort and everything tasted like home...
walk good.
strangers on the train
i often have experiences like this on public transport, both in d.c. and sweet t+t (way more in d.c. though) but thought i was just unlucky. thankfully none of my experiences ever reach such a violent pitch, but more than 1 left me scared and on the verge of tears in public.
the only thing she left out (for me, anyway) is the early annoyance i feel when the dude in question acts as though i was clearly only reading because i have nothing better to do while waiting on some man to come save me from my life, and now that he reach, clearly i should drop it; never that i reading because i want to, like to, enjoying and want to continue doing so, rather than engage with strangers on public, please; we's people too...and walk good.
very bad things
they say they come in 3s but never warned the 3rd serving would lash like the 1st 2 combined. this 3rd installment of betrayal is the worst of the lot so i need to believe the universe done with me now. i cannot take any more. cannot do any more. i done.
walk good.
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